Worship with Us
Below is our pattern of regular services
here at St Andrew's
1st & 3rd at 9am: Book of Common Prayer (BCP) Service
1st & 3rd from 10am for 10.30am: Café Church
2nd & 4th at 10am: Sung Communion Service
3rd & 4th at 4pm: Meditation@4 (not in January & February)
5th at 10am: Songs of Praise
Every week at 8am: Morning Prayer Online
Please email lucycherryhinton@gmail.com if you would like to join
Every week at 10am: Contemplative Communion
followed by Community Coffee Hour at 11am
Book of Common Prayer (BCP) Service
We don’t want to lose the beautiful language and deep communal theology of the Book of Common Prayer, which has shaped the Church of England since its foundation in the 16th Century. Twice a month, we offer a 45 minute service of BCP Communion at 9am, with a short sermon in the stillness of our glorious 13th Century Chancel. The service is followed by refreshments.
Café Church
Many churches are experimenting with ‘all age’ or ‘café style’ worship with varying degrees of success. This is our most popular service, and we think we’ve found a winning way to genuinely involve all ages in a service of Holy Communion which is truly interactive, working on various levels. We begin by serving coffee and snacks between our two services (from 9.45-10.30am) and Café Church then begins around 10.30am and lasts for about an hour.
Sung Communion
This service follows the Church of England’s usual liturgy with an emphasis on music and preaching. On the second Sunday of each month there’s usually the offering of a priest to pray with and anoint anyone who desires healing. On the 2nd Sunday children are welcome at PRayground, and on the 4th Sunday we run Forest Church. The service is followed by refreshments.
This service begins with a period of shared silence and is sometimes followed by Sung Evening Prayer led from the harp.
Please check the Church Calendar Page for dates and details of special services. During August we just have one service on a Sunday at 10am.