Who's Who
We are a friendly church and these are some
of the people you would be pleased to meet you . . .
Revd Karin Voth Harman
Revd Jeanine Bossy
Revd Jon Sanders
Associate Priest with responsibility for spiritual formation
Revd Jenny Totney
PTO Clergy* with responsibility for funerals
Revd Helene Tame
PTO Clergy
Revd Debbie Ford
PTO Clergy
Revd Peter Ievins
PTO Clergy
Revd Jeff Heiderscheit
Self-supporting Curate
Lucy Bunce
Director of Music & Communications
Sharon Murray
Office Manager
Keith Stott
Licensced Lay Minister
Stephen Burden & Michael Sanders
Church Wardens
*PTO Clergy are clergy with 'permission to officiate'