
from Revd Karin

Our church recognises that we come in all shapes and sizes and can encounter

God in many different ways. But always we are seeking to follow Jesus Christ and

to live like he did. As a church family, we come from a variety of traditions and

hold a whole variety of views, but we find great unity in Christ.

We hope that somewhere within our various spaces and services, no matter

who you are, you’ll find your way to connect to God.

You might feel closest to God in our beautiful 13th Century Chancel – one of the

finest in the county – during a quiet Book of Common Prayer service. Or during

our informal Café Church when the church is full of tables, tasty treats, the smell of coffee and the sound of contemporary worship music.

You may love our Sung Communion services on Sunday mornings, when music is normally led by the organ and there’s more time given to the sermon. Or our popular midweek Contemplative Communion service with its stillness and peace.

If you’re looking for something a bit more alternative, you may find your home at Forest Church once a month, when all ages can worship outside or at our Meditation@4 services of extended quiet and (often) harp music.

You may find God at our weekly after school Youth Café in the church centre – (if you’re young enough…) or over a cup of tea as you talk to one of the many people who come to our Food Club & Community Café and stay on to chat on Wednesday afternoons.

We believe that the Christian life is about growth… and that growth usually means looking for God in different faces and spaces. We hope you’ll get a sense of some of our different faces and spaces as you look through the website.

We also believe that God speaks to us most clearly in silence. So, there is space for silence and prayer in everything we do – with the possible exceptions of the Youth Café and our toddler group!

Even then, there is prayer which frames the space.

We are a Church of England church and describe ourselves as ‘creative Catholic’ in our style: i.e., we cherish the many traditions we’ve been given and seek to improvise upon them in ways that speak to contemporary folk. We warmly welcome, and enable as best we can, people of every race, ethnicity and class, gender and sexuality, and every age and ability.

Please do visit a variety of our spaces and see how they might fit you . . . .

If you’d like to get in touch before you visit, or if you’d like to join our weekly newsletter list,  just ring the church office: 01223 242954 and leave a message so that we can get back to you. Or you can email me.


May God help you to find your place, your space, and His grace,

Revd Dr Karin Voth Harman (Vicar).
